Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Let's get it done: SQLDeveloper Database Diff ignore whitespace option

Always check out the original article at http://www.oraclequirks.com for latest comments, fixes and updates.

Recently I've spent more time than necessary in comparing identical objects in two oracle schemas, because SQLDeveloper's "Database Diff" tool doesn't offer the option to ignore whitespace.
For some reason there were objects with an extra trailing newline character beyond the end of the code and they showed up in the list of differences, even if they were perfectly identical.

If you have a handful of objects to compare, then I agree this is not a big deal, but if you have hundreds, then you do have a problem.

In view of this fact, I am asking for your cooperation to get some extra votes for this feature on the SQL Developer Exchange site, all you need to do is to sign in using your OTN account and vote for the feature (https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=43135:7:0::NO:RP,7:P7_ID:19501), as well as adding any relevant comment if you deem necessary, may be we can get to the bottom of it quickly if enough people support the request, considering that this request lies there since nearly 3 years.

As of SQL Developer 3.1 the database diff tool does no longer require separate licensing, so it's worth getting it to work properly.

Personally I'd like to have a ternary option:
  1. do not ignore whitespace and comments
  2. ignore whitespace
  3. ignore whitespace and comments
 And everybody will be satisfied.

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