Thursday, April 05, 2007

Lost in translation? Hopefully not at oraclequirks!

It can be of little interest for the English speaking audience, but i see from the access statistics of this site that oraclequirks is often read using automatic translators.

I am not a fan of automatic translators, actually i have a whole list of anecdotal stories that remount to the paleolithic era of computers, when Taiwan had just started creating the famous "clone" computers.
I remember two of them especially:

a funny translation of some Taiwanese company on an italian pc magazine that traslated back to english would sound like: AT PC mother board for babies (baby AT motherboard), with additional color post card (color card was translated as "cartolina", that in italian is the post card) and 8Mhz wall-clock (8 Mhz clock was translated literally whereas in italian there is no translation for this computer term, we just use the english one).

Another one inside some IBM device that sounded like: tamed servant person only "ammaestrato servente uomo soltanto", from the original trained service personnel only (or something alike).

Automatic translations are very funny and we shall see if Oracle ones are any better, so don't be scared and don't run away if you see any Cyrillic messages at the tail of some postings!

Have a nice translation!

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