Wednesday, June 13, 2007

ORA-02393: exceeded call limit on CPU usage

If you get the following message:
ORA-02393: exceeded call limit on CPU usage
it means that there is a profile attached to the user definition with an enforced limit on the CPU_PER_CALL parameter.

Such restrictions work only if system parameter RESOURCE_LIMIT is set to TRUE, which can also be set dynamically with


but are not enforced for user sessions there were already connected prior to executing the ALTER command.

In other words, if you want to enforce these limits, you'll need first to disconnect all affected user sessions or bounce the database supposing that you made the change permanent by indicating SCOPE=SPFILE or SCOPE=BOTH.

Note also that profile changes incur in the same problem, so if the DBA adjusts your CPU_PER_CALL limit, the change will not affect currently opened sessions.

Unfortunately there is no built-in view that allows a normal user to query his/her profile limits.
Only the DBA or a user with the necessary privileges can query view DBA_PROFILES and the usual alternate views beginning with the prefixes ALL and USER do not exist in this case.

See message translations for ORA-02393 and search additional resources.

ORA-02393: superato il limite di chiamate sull'uso della CPU
ORA-02393: ha excedido el límite de llamadas para uso de CPU
ORA-02393: s'ha excedit el límit de crides en l'ús de la CPU
ORA-02393: limite d'appel sur utilisation CPU dépassée
ORA-02393: Aufrufgrenze (Call limit) für CPU-Nutzung überschritten
ORA-02393: ξεπεράσθηκε το όριο κλήσεων για χρήση ΚΜΕ
ORA-02393: overskrider opkaldsgrænsen for CPU-forbrug
ORA-02393: högsta antalet anrop för CPU-bruk har överskridits
ORA-02393: overskred kallgrensen for prosessorbruk
ORA-02393: kutsujen enimmäismäärä keskusyksikössä ylitetty
ORA-02393: CPU hívás szám korlát túllépve
ORA-02393: s-a depăşit limita de apel la folosirea CPU
ORA-02393: Aanroeplimiet voor CPU-gebruik is overschreden.
ORA-02393: limite de chamada excedido no uso de CPU
ORA-02393: excedido limite de chamada na utilização de CPU
ORA-02393: превышен предел вызовов на использование CPU
ORA-02393: překročen limit volání na využití CPU
ORA-02393: prekročený limit spojenia na čas CPU
ORA-02393: przekroczono ograniczenie użycia CPU przez wywołanie
ORA-02393: aramanın CPU kullanımı sınırı aşıldı


Unknown said...

How can i limit a user to not exceed 20% of cpu utilisation? I dont want him to receive an error message, just want to restrict the load on the oracle database.

Byte64 said...

Hello Steeve,
then forget the profiles and have a look at the Resource Manager.

That's what you're looking for.


yes you can!

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