This posting refers to the occurrence of ORA-12154 in combination with database links, other scenarios are not covered.
Suppose that you created a database link pointing to a remote db, located on a machine that we call server_2 for convenience, using a syntax like this:
CREATE DATABASE LINK server2_dbUpon executing a query like the following from a client PC:
select * from remote_tab@server2_db;you get the following error:
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service namethe instinct may be to check out the content of your local TNSNAMES.ORA file where you see that a SERVER2_DB service name is actually existing, which is puzzling at first.
Or you might find out that such entry doesn't exist at all, but even after adding it, the db link doesn't work, returning exactly the same error...
As a matter of fact when the USING clause is specified as above, Oracle tries to locate the service name in the TNSNAMES.ORA file, but hang on a second, which TNSNAMES.ORA file?
If you created the db link on a remote database (that from now on we call server_1), the TNSNAMES.ORA file is the TNSNAMES.ORA of server_1, not the local TNSNAMES.ORA on your PC.
This fact is obvious if you think about it, but the instinct, when you get TNS errors, is to look at your local network configuration.
After identifying the cause of the problem you must ensure that you are using the correct service name, assuming that such entry actually exists in the TNSNAMES.ORA file on server_1, which could be a false assumption in the end.
Moreover the access to the server directory where the TNSNAMES.ORA file is located might be restricted, so you could have no way to look at the content of that file.
If you are in this situation, you have two options:
- ask the DBA for the service name (if any)
- create the database link in the following way:
CREATE DATABASE LINK server2_dbClearly you need to know all relevant parameters of server_2 (dns or IP address, TCP port number and instance name), otherwise you'll get other types of errors at run time.
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = server_2)(PORT = port_num))
(SERVICE_NAME = server2_db)
See message translations for ORA-12154 and search additional resources.
artical was helpful.
Thanks it worked for me
this might work fine, but it is dangerous. If all database links are setup like this, and you copy TEST to PROD, or PROD to TEST, you have to change all database links very quick, if not your TEST will call some other PROD's.
Having this in the tnsnames.ora or even ifile, you can change on one point everything, before starting the dababase.
br Helmut
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