Wednesday, December 03, 2008

PLS-00435: DML statement without BULK In-BIND cannot be used inside FORALL

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PLS-00435: DML statement without BULK In-BIND cannot be used inside FORALL
You may see this error when you attempt to compile a PL/SQL unit containing a FORALL statement combined with an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement like, as follows:
create or replace
procedure test_pls_435

type tab_type is table of tab_pls_435%rowtype; -- defines a RECORD data type
plsql_rec_tab tab_type := tab_type(); -- defines a collection of RECORDs

plsql_rec_tab(1).col_a := 100;
plsql_rec_tab(1).col_b := 'TEST';

forall i in 1..plsql_rec_tab.count
execute immediate
'insert into tab_pls_435
values (:1, :2)'
Whilst it is possible to specify bulk FORALL statements, in practice there are limitations when RECORD data type collections are involved. If PLS-00436 is present in the list of parsing errors, then i suggest you to read that entry for a detailed explanation and try out alternative solutions.

See message translations for PLS-00435 and search additional resources.

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